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in the news
Graphic Design
Social Media
Queen City Nerve article feature of Anna Elise LaFrance
Article preview of Charlotte Today featuring Laura Parks Designs. Video segment titled "2024 Dorm Room Trends."
Graphic of Forbes article titled, "Home Away From Home: The Gifts College Students Really Want" with a photo of Laura Park merchandise and an article clipping.
Graphic of Forbes article titled, "Home Away From Home: Create A Stylish Dorm Room Or College Apartment" with a photo of Laura Park merchandise and an article clipping.
Image of Vacation Rental Designers article featuring Laura Park Designs.
Small & Gutsy features the Isabella Santos Foundation
Flower Magazine
Molly Grantham Logo
Laura Park with The Spruce: 4 Tips Designers Always Use to Brighten a Dark Room
How'd She Do That? Podcast Interviews Lenora Founder and Designer Claudia Garrard
The Isabella Santos Legacy: Community Involvement Shapes Success
Isabella Santos Foundation and Hospice Care of the Lowcountry Featured in Forbes 20 Ways Nonprofits Can Demonstrate Impact Beyond Numbers
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