Welcome to the team Grace Huff!

Grace joined the ASC team in September of 2024. With her home state in Illinois, Grace attended Illinois State University where she earned her degree in Public Relations and fell in love with social media management, campaign development and working closely with clients. 

With experience in social media management, copywriting and campaign development, Grace excels in crafting cohesive branding, storytelling and engaging with audiences. 

In previous roles, she has developed strategies to amplify small businesses and family owned franchises through social media. Helping them form meaningful connections with their community. 

Currently residing in Chicago, IL, Grace loves to explore different neighborhoods in Chicago and take walks along the lakefront when she isn’t working. She also is an avid podcast listener and reader. 

Help us officially welcome Grace to the team, and get to know her in these 20 questions. It’ll be fun! 🙂

Do you go by any other names than Grace? Nicknames?

I just go by Grace and sometimes Gracie by close friends and family.

What’s your favorite social media platform?

Tik Tok or Instagram.

Where did you graduate from College?

Illinois State University

What was your first job?

First ever job was hostessing at a restaurant, but most recent communications job was being the Social Media Manager for The NOW Massage Naperville. 

What is your favorite media source?

I love a lot of fashion media sources! I follow two accounts on Instagram (@ whowhatwear & @ databutmakeitfashion) and they’re really good at giving the most up to date information on the fashion world. I also love finding new wellness and pop culture podcasts to listen to!

Do you prefer podcasts, audiobooks or music?

Podcasts and music! I usually prefer to have a physical book if I’m reading.  

Where is your favorite place to be or vacation spot?

I love to be anywhere in nature/the mountains. Specifically I love going to Upstate NY in the Adirondack region. 

What is your favorite line from a movie?

Harry’s monologue at the end of “When Harry Met Sally”

How did you hear about Anna Stallmann Communications?

I actually heard about it from Becky! We are from the same hometown and saw that she posted the job opening. I reached out to her and the rest is history!

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

Gymnastics or horseback riding. I’ve never been flexible and my sister did dressage growing up and I always thought that was so cool.

What is something new you learned in the last week?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing, but I have loved learning about the industries our clients are in and how different they all are!

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be?

That’s so hard to choose, but maybe Meryl Streep or honestly just my best friend. 

Do you have any pets?

I have a 7 year old min pin named Sarge (basically a tiny doberman)!

You have 30-minutes of free-time, what do you do?

I’d most likely go for a walk, it’s just a good way for me to clear my mind!

How do you strike a good work-life balance?

I go on walks which usually help me relax! It’s also important to know your limits and when it’s time to take a break. I’ve found that when I try to push through and don’t give myself time to step away, the quality of work usually suffers.

What is your favorite genre of music?

I listen to all kinds of music! Specifically I love artists like Amy Winehouse, Kacey Musgraves and oldies like Etta James and Nat King Cole. 

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Kind of basic but chocolate chip cookie dough or really any flavor with cookie dough in it. 

What motivates you in life?

I constantly want to challenge myself, so I can grow as a person. I also want to be able to make my parents proud in everything I do. 

Favorite way to write – paper, laptop, talk to text?

Definitely on the laptop! I also love the talk to text feature, especially when I’m on the go. 

Tell us something that might surprise us about you?

I am originally from New Jersey!

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