our thoughts, earned coverage & press

in the news

Our blog is where you’ll find a robust collection of ASC thoughts, company updates, earned coverage and press clips. From serious and sophisticated to leadership and lifestyle to marketing and media, there’s something for everyone. We invite you to explore and get to know us (and our work) better!

We are proud to announce Kristen Crutchley and Mae Young have been promoted to Vice Presidents at Anna Stallmann Communcations.
We’re excited to recognize continued growth at ASC with the onboarding of new Digital Account Executive, Grace Huff.
We’re excited to recognize continued growth at ASC with the onboarding of new Digital Account Executive, Kendall Finley.
We’re excited to recognize continued growth at ASC with the onboarding of new Account Executive, Becky Budds.
Isabella joins the ASC team as a full-time junior graphic designer!
We’re excited to recognize continued growth at ASC with the onboarding of new Digital Account Executive, Yesenia Gonzalez.

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